BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bengkulu Municipality

The publication of Gross Regional Domestic Product Bengkulu Municipality by Expenditure has been released || If there are things that you want to ask, you can send them via email: ipds1771@bps.go.id || Digital publications produced by the Bengkulu City BPS can be downloaded here

The publication of Bengkulu Municipality in Figures 2021 is available and can be downloaded for free here

Publication Gross Regional Domestic Product of Bengkulu Municipality by Industry 2018-2022, Gross Regional Domestic Product of Bengkulu Municipality by Expenditure 2017-2022 and Bengkulu Municipality in Figures 2023 is available and can be downloaded for free here

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[Company Profile] - Badan Pusat Statistik, Mencerdaskan Bangsa dengan Data

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