Regional Statistics of Bengkulu Municipality 2024 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bengkulu Municipality

The publication of Gross Regional Domestic Product Bengkulu Municipality by Expenditure has been released || If there are things that you want to ask, you can send them via email: || Digital publications produced by the Bengkulu City BPS can be downloaded here

The publication of Bengkulu Municipality in Figures 2021 is available and can be downloaded for free here

Publication Gross Regional Domestic Product of Bengkulu Municipality by Industry 2018-2022, Gross Regional Domestic Product of Bengkulu Municipality by Expenditure 2017-2022 and Bengkulu Municipality in Figures 2023 is available and can be downloaded for free here

Regional Statistics of Bengkulu Municipality 2024

Catalog Number : 1101002.1771
Publication Number : 17710.24026
ISSN/ISBN : 2622-4534
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : December 20, 2024
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 8.07 MB


Bengkulu City is located on the west coast of Sumatra Island. To the north and east, Bengkulu City is flanked by Central Bengkulu Regency. To the south, Bengkulu City is flanked by Seluma Regency. Meanwhile, to the west, Bengkulu City is directly adjacent to the Indian Ocean. Administratively, Bengkulu City is divided into nine sub-districts and sixty-seven villages.The population of Bengkulu City in 2023 reached 391,120 people. When compared to 2020, the population of Bengkulu City experienced a growth of 1.63 percent. The Human Development Index (HDI) value in Bengkulu City in 2023 was 83.38. The HDI is measured based on three basic aspects, namely a long and healthy life, knowledge, and a decent standard of living. The HDI value of Bengkulu City is the highest in Bengkulu Province. The number of poor people in Bengkulu City is 56.10 thousand people or 14.71 percent of the total population. Compared to the previous year, the number of poor people in Bengkulu City decreased by 1.02 percent.In 2023, the average per capita expenditure per month of households in Bengkulu City was 1,785,932 rupiah. The average per capita expenditure is the expenditure incurred for the consumption of all household members for a month divided by the number of household members in the household. In 2023, Bengkulu City's GRDP at current prices reached 30,811.41 billion rupiah, an increase of 9.69 percent. Meanwhile, GRDP at constant prices reached 17,658.93 billion rupiah, an increase of 5.53 percent. However, Bengkulu City's economy experienced negative growth of 5.53 percent compared to the previous year of 5.69 percent. This was caused by the financial services and insurance sector contracting by 5.11 percent.
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